Basic Safety Sciences: Pharmacoepidemiology, Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacogenomics, and Toxicology Studies eLearning Module
Course Badges

Basic Safety Sciences: Pharmacoepidemiology, Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacogenomics, and Toxicology Studies
safety, pharmacovigilance, epidemiology, pharmacology, pharmacogenomics, pharmacogenetics, toxicology, non-clinical, pre-clinical, R&D

This eLearning course reviews the principles of safety sciences including toxicology, clinical pharmacology, pharmacogenomics, and pharmacoepidemiology to enable you to analyze potential safety issues, and to better understand the patient population and its experience with the drug. The course will walk learners through activities and associated competencies needed to advance a drug candidate from an idea in a lab to a treatment ready to be studied in humans. Keep in mind that the application of these sciences to safety and pharmacovigilance change as the environment, regulations, and guidance for drug development continue to evolve.
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Credit Information
ACPE = 7
IACET = .7
IACET = .7

Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, learners should be able to:
- Identify the basics of toxicology studies
- Recognize the limitations in predicting human toxicity
- Outline the basic principles of clinical pharmacology
- Recognize the fundamentals of pharmacogenomics
- Utilize the principles of pharmacoepidemiology and other drug safety sciences to analyze potential safety issues
- Classify the patient population using the principles of pharmacoepidemiology and other drug safety sciences
- Toxicology
- Clinical Pharmacology
- Pharmacogenomics
- Pharmacoepidemiology