Creating a Patient-Focused Culture
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Creating a Patient-Focused Culture eLearning Module
Continuous improvement of the healthcare eco-system depends on its responsiveness to environmental needs, expectations and desires of all of its stakeholders. The most critical stakeholders are patients, their families and care partners, demanding a more meaningful role than paternalistic systems have included. Patients are experts in their lived experience with preventing or having illnesses, getting to their diagnoses, therapies, and how all of these intersect with their lives and communities. Organizations discovering, developing, approving and paying for new therapies, to be more patient centered, must do so deliberately or risk becoming irrelevant. Foundational to that sustained organizational change is culture. This module provides an overview, strategy and resources to help shift culture to enable necessary change and subsequent action.
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ACPE: 3.5

Featured Topics:
- Why Is Patient-Focused Culture Important
- Determining Current Practices and Attitudes about Patient Focus
- Fundamentals of Organizational Culture
- Approaches to Influencing Cultural Change to Encourage Patient-Focused Behaviors
- How can Culture be Influenced or Changed
- Strategies for Embedding Patient Centricity in the Culture